terça-feira, novembro 01, 2005

Tlx e Punisher

Tlx e punisher. Que bonito!!!! Peço desculpa aos outros secos, mas só consegui clones de nós os dois. Eheheh

5 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Desculpem mas estão a namorar???

Anónimo disse...

LOOOL...coisas tao lindas! =D

Anónimo disse...

lolol ixo n s fax coitados dos outros... mas os bonecos ate tao fixes lol

Anónimo disse...

LLLolllll....ai k lindos....

Anónimo disse...

Hi tlx_slb, well you know we humans always start doing things on one topic and later found ourselves doing something else, this is always what happened to me. I started looking for something on e-currency 2 hours ago however have found my seself looking at all different topics, of course including your site Tlx e Punisher. I thought what the hell since I'm here already might as well just leave a few words. Ok I'll go on to search for e-currency related stuff again and hopefully it'll take me longer than last time to lose my concentration. cheers!